Home > o where o where has the time gone.

o where o where has the time gone.

January 12th, 2010 at 07:25 pm

It's been a while since I've blogged last.In that time my son has broke his arm went threw oral surgery and my daughter is going in for a tooth exraction friday.we have five people live with us because hard times our abound still.and my family car died.anyone in missouri have a cheap good running one and new bills just to make christmas happen but yet my outlook is still pretty sunny it'll all be hows your year been.

1 Responses to “o where o where has the time gone.”

  1. NJDebbie Says:

    Sorry that you are going through hard times. I hope the sun shines upon you soon. I feel like a have no right to complaint about small inconveniences when other people are going through tough times.

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