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shopped some today

April 30th, 2009 at 03:56 am

got in 2 transactions-
2- breeze 2 meters faq (free after coupon)and two 5rrs back money maker for me

toop 000
saved w/cpns 29.98 frogot to add

also got in other 3 transations

4-got2b 2pk hairstyling stuff
2-bayer quick relese gels
1-6pk water

saved w/cpns'26.50
have 14.50 in rrs for later

total savings for all transations 56.48

this wasnt what i was expecting to buy so my math got all messed up not to bad though

2 Responses to “shopped some today”

  1. mom-from-missouri Says:

    For saving purposes, I would not have bought the soda or water (unless you have bad water and need the bottled water). I am an anti soda, anti chip freak. All I see it do is add calories and it has no food value.

    But your overall savings was good!

  2. jessicasue4321 Says:

    yeah,I normaly would of put filler's=(extra items so i can use all my cpns and rrs) of cheaper items .but i wasnt thinking strait after i got there and lots was out of stock i wanted.and the water is for camping this summer im slowly stocking up so i didnt see that as harmful.

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